100% Satisfaction Guaranty is valid for 60 days. After 60 days, we can only assume that the purchaser is totally happy, and content with the product, and/or company.
Manufacturer’s Warranty for defects in workmanship, or quality is valid for 60 days. All defects in material, workmanship, and quality will automatically show up within the first sixty days of use—usually while cleaning. After 60 days, any defects that appear will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
Normal wear and tear, or damage to the product by accidental, or purposeful means is not covered under the warranty, and nullifies any guarantee stated or implied.
The Accidental breakage to any Extreme Glare Sunglasses frame, or sunglass must be the direct result of an internal flaw, or defect that compromised the integrity of the product.
Please return the product in good, re-saleable condition (without marks, scratches, or imperfections) to receive a prompt refund. You may use the mail carrier of your choice, however we strongly urge you to insure the package for the entire value to avoid liability for damage, loss, or mysterious disappearance. We will not be able to process your refund if the package is lost in transit.
Notice! Re-Stocking fee for sunglasses returned after discount taken at purchase.
Discounted products returned for credit are subject to a re-stocking fee equal to the amount of discount given at the time of original purchase. Shipping, and handling charges are not refundable as that expense has been used, and is not returnable, or refundable to anyone.
The product must be returned with all parts included. Thank you for trying out Zurich Extreme Glare Sunglasses Products!
We value your business. Please safely send returns to the address below: