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Extreme Glare Prescription Eyeglass

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Extreme Glare offers customers the most advanced in progressive lens technology. Our custom prescription lenses can be applied to any frame choice.

*Frames must allow for lens removal

We will provide accurate quotes for prescription lenses based on your choices.

We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all our products.

Progressive Lens Technology

In addition to cosmetic advantages, progressive multifocal lenses provide a more natural lens correction than bifocal or trifocal prescription eyeglasses.

Instead of having just two or three lens powers like bifocals or trifocals, progressive lenses are true "multifocal" lenses that provide a seamless progression of many lens powers for all viewing distances.

With progressive lenses, you can look up to see clearly across the room and in the distance. You also can look ahead to view your computer in the intermediate zone and drop your gaze downward to read and do fine work comfortably through the near zone of the lenses.
Progressive Lenses

"INVISIBLE" Progressive Lenses

Bifocal technology that eliminates the "line".
Prescription progressively gets stronger as your eye moves down the lens.
NEW Progressive Lenses with NO Annoying 

NEW Progressive Lenses with NO Annoying "SWEET SPOT"

Do your old progressive lenses have a "Sweet Spot" near the middle of the lenses - about the size of a nickel? Once you go beyond the edges of the "sweet spot" the vision is not quite as clear, sharp, or well defined.

Our new progressive lens technology provides clear, sharp, and more accurate vision no matter which part of the lens you look through. Every part of our new progressive lenses give crystal clear vision with no distortion.

Get rid of your old lenses and enjoy better vision at every point of the lens. No Fuzziness, No Distortion.
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